Thursday 17 February 2011

What's in a name?

Something I should have perhaps explained in my first post, the title of this blog 'Fashionable Nonsense' encapsulates the 'manifesto' set out in that post; 

"to undermine contemporary dogma with it's countless irrationalities and inconsistencies. In so doing, I in turn hope to undermine - in whatever tiny way - the increasingly authoritarian tendencies that proceed from those politically correct credos. And hopefully have a laugh or two along the way."

The address of the blog reflects my nomme de plume, '' having been unavailable. 

This name also reflects my intentions. On one hand, through the reference to Edmund Burke, I refer also to what he represents - a beacon of sanity amidst the utopian zealots in his own time. On the other, through the substitution of Berk for Burke, hopefully a reminder to myself that I am no Burke, and to not take myself too seriously. 

It is also a signal of my second intention - to have a laugh. And finally, for those familiar with the origins of 'Berk' in cockney rhyming slang, I have also suitably labelled myself for the Guardian reading sorts who may take issue with what I have to say.

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